Grade D
ChemScore report card 2022

PTT Global Chemical

About the company

PTT Global Chemical is Thailand’s largest petrochemical and refining company. It manufactures and distributes upstream, intermediate and downstream petrochemical products. The company mainly serves customers in Thailand.
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Total score
6 / 48

Grade summary

For the third year in a row, PTT Global Chemical ends up in the bottom five of the ChemScore ranking, this year scoring one point less than last year. Even though we have not been able to identify any hazardous substances in the company’s product portfolio, it should be said that 99 percent of its chemical production is unknown to us. This makes PTT Global Chemical one of the least transparent companies in the ranking, which – obviously – means that it receives zero points in the first category. PTT Global Chemical markets energy- and resource-efficient products through its own market channels, but does not advertise any safer alternatives on independent third-party platforms such as ChemSec’s Marketplace. Although the company has a circular economy policy in place, it does not score for any other circular topic. PTT Global Chemical has been the subject of a number of litigations during the last ten years for incidents such as oil spills.

How did we come to this score?

Opportunities for improvement

  1. Increase transparency
    Only one percent of PTT Global Chemical’s product portfolio is known. We have requested that the company disclose information about its chemicals management, but it has not responded to that request. In order to be more transparent, PTT Global Chemical should disclose the full list of hazardous chemicals that it produces, including the volume of each of these chemicals as well as its percentage of the total revenue. It would also be wise to specify which chemicals are intended for end products and for intermediate use. Generally speaking, information about chemicals sold in EU and US markets is available through public records, which is not the case in other parts of the world. For that reason, PTT Global Chemical should make the details of its revenue generated outside of these regions public, to ensure chemical transparency and allow for a comprehensive global evaluation.
  2. Market safer alternatives
    We did identify safer alternatives in PTT Global Chemicals product portfolio, but these are not marketed on any independent third-party platform. Therefore, they are hard to find for downstream users looking to substitute hazardous chemicals. A good place to advertise is ChemSec’s Marketplace, where buyers and suppliers can find and market safer alternatives.
  3. Prevent further controversies
    PTT Global Chemical has been involved in incidents leading to liabilities of over 10 million USD and should re-design or dramatically improve its Environment, Health and Safety strategy. This would help the company to better avoid incidents and make sure that controls – functioning even when human errors occur – are in place. If an accident or spill should happen, it is important that PTT Global Chemical identifies the cause and publishes a document on strategies that will be implemented to avoid similar occurrences in the future. It is possible to prevent human suffering and environmental pollution when producing chemicals, but it requires a thorough Environment, Health and Safety system.

Category breakdown

Categories diagram

How did we come to this score?

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Read more about our methodology
Category icon
Overall rank
51 / 54
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Total score
6 / 48
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Product Portfolio
0 / 18
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Development of Safer Chemicals
4 / 12
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Management & Transparency
2 / 12
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Lack of Controversies
0 / 6
Other years
Year Rank Total score
2024 47 / 51 10 / 48
2023 38 / 50 10 / 48
2022 51 / 54 6 / 48
2021 46 / 50 7 / 48
2020 31 / 35 8 / 48